Entertainment: a human need
Luiz Telles wrote an article for M&M in which he reflects on the importance of entertainment as a tool for mental health during isolation.
Research has helped us understand the effects of the isolation period: stress, moodiness, instability. We have been bombarded by negative stimuli, bad news, all mixed up with the feeling of helplessness.
In this scenario, entertainment has become, more than ever, a basic need. This is the subject that our National Director of Storytelling and Innovation, Luiz Telles, delved into in an article for Meio & Mensagem. For him, entertainment “helps people disconnect from this complex and threatening reality (…) It makes them laugh and cry”.
For more details, read the full article at: https://www.meioemensagem.com.br/home/opiniao/2020/07/08/o-que-entretem-voce.html.